FC - RCMA - 2023-2024

106 Featured STORY Timeless bathrooms Bathroom styles with staying power. These bath sanctuaries will lead you towards a space to unwind and decompress at the end of the day. Rich textures Textures are an inviting way to introduce warmth into a space and prevent it from being too monotonous. Plush towels, potted plants and wall art can work well in making your bathroom feel luxurious and welcoming. Less is more Tacky and over-the-top accents don’t make for a timeless space, but clean lines and clearly defined forms do. Avoid filling your space with unusual shapes and elaborate patterns, but instead go for understated and sophisticated pieces that look chic always. DESIGN & PHOTO STUDIO WILLS + ARCHITECTS PHOTO WONG WEILIANG PHOTO MAISSONE Sublime in white For a colour palette that can withstand the test of time, that has to be an all- white scheme. You don’t have to go for the same shade of white though, mix and match different hues of white to create a simply pristine but dimensional bath suite. STYLE TIP! In an all-white bathroom, clutter is the antithesis to a timeless space so keep the decor simple. STYLE TIP! Beyond the usual square and rectangular forms, circular and oval shapes can offer clean outlines that even help in visually softening harsh corners.