FC - RCMA - 2023-2024

117 Read more useful maintenance tips on https://mynicehome.gov.sg or the HDB InfoWEB at https://www.hdb.gov.sg . 5. Manage Payment and Any Renovations Dispute The renovation contract between flat owners and their contractors is a private one, and not regulated by any government agency. If there are disputes over the renovation such as pricing, costs, work schedule, type or quality of renovations, these should be resolved between both parties. If you are facing challenges with settling the matter amicably, both parties may approach the Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE), Singapore Mediation Centre or the Small Claims Tribunals for assistance or seek legal redress. 6. Use the Lifts Properly Renovating and moving into your new home is an exciting time for all home owners! However, it can also be hectic, dusty, and noisy. Movers and contractors carrying bulky items will be a common sight, and lifts may take a slightly longer time to arrive. Do your part by telling your contractors or vendors not to jam the lift doors when movingmaterials and furniture as this can damage the lifts, causing inconvenience and delay to other lift users. 7. Keep your Neighbourhood Clean Unwanted items such as packing materials and renovation debris discarded around your estate can potentially create safety and health hazards, and will mar the image of your estate. Do remind your delivery persons, movers and contractors to dispose of renovation debris and unwanted items properly by carting them to disposal sites. They should not wash or flush debris into the sewage system or dispose of bulky items into the refuse chute, as this could cause damage and inconvenience you and your neighbours. You may report instances of lift misuse and dumping of debris in the common areas via the OneService website or app. 8. Care for Your Home Regularly Finally, it’s important to carry out regular checks on the fittings and fixtures in your home. This can help you spot areas that require attention before they become serious and save you money on major repairs. ASK MYNICEHOME: HOW SHOULD I PLAN FOR MY HDB RENOVATION? Keeping your neighbourhood clean by HDB www.mynicehome.gov.sg Dispose of renovation debris and unwanted items properly at the disposal sites Remind your delivery persons, movers, and contractors too Wash or flush debris into sewage system Dispose of bulky items into the refuse chute DO’S DON’TS Keeping your neighbourhood clean