FC - RCMA - 2023-2024

12 Milestones The RCMA journey began in 1980, even before the commit tee was of f icially formed. Over the year s, we have helped to make many event ful and impact ful changes to Singapore's histor y. In 2023, more than four decades later, RCMA continues to be a def ining presence in the inter ior design and renovation industr y. 1980年,在委员会正式成立之前,新加坡装修同业商联会的发展之旅早已开始。多年来, 我们致力于创建重要和具有影响力的改变,为新加坡历史撰写灿烂篇章。历经40多年后的 今天,新加坡装修同业商联会将持续为室内设计和装修行业发光发热,做出贡献。 RCMA MILESTONES 新加坡装修同业商联会里程碑 Spearheaded legislation that allowed only qualified renovation contractors to be registered as HDB Approved Contractors. 带头立法,只 允许合格的装 修 承 包 商 注 册为 建 屋 发 展局认可的承 包商。 RCMA officially formed. 新 加 坡 装 修 同 业 商 联 会 正 式 成立。 Spearheaded push for publication of the Singapore Directory of Accredited Renovators. Development of standard contract between renovators and homeowners. RCMA/RADAC cooperated with 12 banks to introduce the Reno Loan Scheme. 率先推出《新 加坡认证装修 公司指南》。同 年,修订了装修 公司和屋主之 间的标准合同。 新加坡装修同 业商联会联合 装修咨询理事 会与12家银行 合作推出装修 贷款计划。 Appealed to MAS to relax differentiation between personal loans and renovation loans. Appeal was successful. Local Chinese papers Lianhe Zaobao published two editorials in support of RCMA’s stance. 向新加坡金融 管理局提出建 议放宽个人贷 款和装修贷款 的区分。此建议 成功获得采纳。 《联合早报》 也就此刊登了 两篇社论,支 持本商联会的 立场 。 Launch of the official RCMA website. 新加坡装 修同业商 联会官方 网站正式 上线。 In response to the financial crisis, RCMA led proposal that homeowners be allowed to pay 30% of renovation costs upfront and the other 70% only when old flats are sold. 为了应付金融 危机,新加坡 装修同业商 联会草拟建 议书,建议让 屋主先支付 3 0%的装修 费用,其余70 %在装修费可 于旧屋转售后 支付。 Successfully appealed to Government to allow homeowners to use CPF for payment of home renovations. 向政府建议 允许屋主使用 公积金支付房 屋装修费用。 此建议成功 获得政府采 纳。 Participated in the seminar on “The Development of the Renovation Industry”. It was covered by Lianhe Zaobao. 参予“装修行 业发展研讨 会”。此研讨 会获《联合早 报 》关 注 报 道。 Participated in the formation of the Renovation and Decoration Advisory Centre (RADAC). 参予装修咨 询理事会的 创建。 19 83 1 9 84 1 9 85 1 9 88 1 9 90 1 9 95 1 9 96 1 9 98