FC - RCMA - 2023-2024

18 Message 美国福特汽车公司创办人亨利·福特 曾说过:“如果每个人都勇往直前, 那么成功就会唾手可得”。这句鼓舞 人心的名言恰恰反映了新加坡装修同 业商联会致力于将本地装修行业推向 更高水平的精神。新加坡装修同业商 联会旗下委员会成员和会员建立了良 好的协作关系,为会员提供了一个有 助扩大业务人脉网、回馈社区和分享 宝贵专业知识的平台。 新加坡装修同业商联会学院的成立更是 体现出他们对提升新加坡装修水平的强 烈热忱和使命感。该学院专门提供装修 方面的培训课程,旨在帮助装修业者提 升技能和掌握专业知识,进而获得相关 认证。新加坡装修同业商联会学院完美 结合学识和实际培训,让新加坡装修同 业商联会能更有效地应对市场上不断变 化的装修需求。我们深信,我们将能借 助新加坡装修同业商联会学院培养出一 批具备更高水平的装修业者。通过共同 努力,我们定能为装修行业树立更高的 标杆。 此外,新加坡装修同业商联会也积 极参与建屋发展局的预购组屋路展 活动,并通过这些活动与新屋主开 展有意义的沟通和交流,这令我深 感欣慰。最新出版的第五期《2 0 2 3 年-2024年装修指南》就是新加坡装修 同业商联会在不忘初心、牢记使命的 努力下的心血结晶。 我深信,新加坡装修同业商联会将能凭 借上述的各项创举吸引更多有实力的会 员,满足现今和未来屋主们的各项装修 需求。 Ang Wei Neng MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT OF WEST COAST GRC (NANYANG) ADVISOR TO RCMA 洪维能议员 西海岸集选区议员(南洋区) 新加坡装修同业商联会会务顾问 “If everyone is moving forward, then success takes care of itself.” This inspirational quote by Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company, reflects the spirit of RCMA’s effort to propel the renovation industry to a greater height.RCMA has displayed great camaraderie between its committee and members, who in turn provides a platform for networking, giving back to communities and sharing invaluable expertise. Their passion and enthusiasm for refining the standards of renovation in Singapore has been institutionalised in the successful launch of the RCMA Academy. This renovation-based learning institution allows their fellow peers to upgrade their skills and knowledge with relevant courses and receive certifications. This integrated system of education and training means RCMA can better respond to constantly evolving needs. With the RCMA Academy, we are confident that our renovation practitioners will be better trained. Together, we can set a higher benchmark for the renovation industry. I am glad that RCMA has kept up the good work of meaningful engagements with new homeowners through their active participation in HDB BTO roadshows. The latest fifth edition of the RCMA guidebook is a fitting recognition of their commendable efforts in continuing these initiatives with a strong sense of purpose. With the above initiatives, I trust RCMA will be able to attract more credible members and meet the renovation needs of homeowners of today and tomorrow.