FC - RCMA - 2023-2024

19 Message Lim Ah Bah ASSOCIATE ADVISER 林亚峇 新加坡装修同业商联会会务顾问 With the government ramping up more construction projects, that means a greater demand for renovation services as well. Even with the disruption caused by the Covid pandemic, the renovation sector is able to maintain its industry standards. And with more BTO housing projects coming up, the renovation sector is making progressive strides as well. We are pleased to see more renovation practitioners take up courses at RCMA Academy to upgrade their skills and keep up with the current industry standards. Through these courses, the future generations of renovation practitioners will be up to mark. RCMA has been established for 43 years now, and one thing that remains unchanged is our quality assurance. Our strength doesn’t lie in an extensive number of members, but rather cultivating a strong team of players. This way, the senior members can set a stellar example for our younger members, and pave the way to greater success for our association. As a non-profit organisation, RCMA protects the interests and reputation of the renovation industry. Our association can help in addressing conflict issues between renovation practitioners and homeowners and with government boards like HDB. As the Chinese saying “ 上情下达, 下情上 达 ” goes, a bad situation can be turned around with proper communication. Therefore, we step in as the middleman to find common ground 随着新加坡政府加紧实施更多建筑项 目,国人对装修服务方面的需求也日趋 增加。即使受到新冠疫情的影响,装修 行业仍秉持着良好的行业标准。而随着 本地预购组屋项目的增加,装修行业也 在精益求精的路上不断前进。 越来越多装修从业者借助新加坡装修同 业商联会学院推出的课程来提升他们的 技能,以及深入了解当前的行业标准, 这无疑让我们深感欣慰。我们相信这些 课程将有助打造一批专业且与时俱进的 装修从业者。 新加坡装修同业商联会成立至今已有43 年,但我们的品质保证始终如一。我们 的优势并不在于我们的会员人数众多, 而是我们培育了一支强大的团队。我们 的资深会员不但为年轻会员树立榜样, between these three parties. One of the recent examples was during the pandemic, where restrictions halting renovations caused major disruptions to the renovation sector. We opened a dialogue with the government through our RCMA associates and were able to release some of the restrictions at an expedited rate. That is what makes RCMA a remarkable association to connect and collaborate with, as we plan, lead and guide our next generation to advance the standard of renovation practices. My role as an advisor is only part of the bigger picture. Our association welcomes fresh ideas from younger members and I believe our joint endeavours will resolve the common issues we face in meeting the new demand for quality renovation standards. 更为商会奠定了坚实的基础,让我们能 取得更大的成就。 作为一个非营利组织,新加坡装修同业 商联会旨在维护装修行业的利益和声 誉。我们能从中协助解决装修从业者与 屋主以及政府机构(如建屋发展局)之 间的矛盾。俗话说:“上情下达,下情 上达”,只要沟通得当,就能化险为 夷。因此,我们作为中间人介入,努力 在上述三方之间寻找共同点。例如,在 疫情期间,严格的防疫限制措施对装修 业造成了重大干扰。于是,我们通过商 会的合作伙伴与政府进行沟通,在最短 的时间内解除部分限制。 这就是新加坡装修同业商联会存在的 价值和必要性,而我们将继续规划、 带领和指导下一代的装修从业者迈向 更高标准的装修实践。我作为会务顾 问只是这大局的一部分。我们非常欢 迎年轻会员提出新的想法;我深信在 我们的共同努力下,我们定能满足和 化解市场对装修标准的要求逐渐提升 的普遍问题。