FC - RCMA - 2023-2024

20 Message Russell Chin HON. GENERAL SECRETARY RCMA MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 陈顺发 ​ 新加坡装修同业商联会秘书长 It is an absolute honour to be part of this incredible journey for the past six years. I am able to share my knowledge and expertise at the MyNiceHome Roadshows, where I have had the pleasure of addressing topics that range from renovation tips and design themes to the latest renovation trends. But it doesn’t stop there; my responsibility extends to educating homeowners on how to select a reputable interior designer and to be vigilant about identifying rogue contractors, preventing any potential scams or frauds. I am truly passionate about my work, and what keeps me motivated year after year is the happiness and satisfaction I witness in the smiles of homeowners who make informed choices for their renovation needs. We, at RCMA, strive to uplift the standards of the renovation industry, and we are deeply grateful to our dedicated members who voluntarily participate in events like the MyNiceHome Roadshows and other RCMA initiatives. We firmly believe that our profession deserves respect and acknowledgement, as we play a significant role in building our economy and creating beautiful homes for all. In this endeavour, the RCMA Certified Renovation Practitioner program serves as a crucial recognition for contractors and designers alike, enabling homeowners to make informed choices amidst the vast industry offerings. We call upon more 我深感荣幸能够与新加坡装修同业商联 会在过去的六年里共同创造许许多多难 忘的美好回忆。 我有幸能在“温馨我家(MyNiceHome) 预购组屋路展活动上与众人分享我的专 业知识和专长,如装修贴士、室内设计 主题,以及最新的装修趋势等。当然, 我的责任还不止于此,我也负责教育房 主如何挑选声誉良好的室内设计师,并 提醒他们要时刻提高警惕,识别不法承 包商以防止任何潜在骗局或欺诈行为。 我对我的工作充满热忱,每当屋主们就 自己的装修需求做出明智选择时所展 contractors to join this scheme so that together, we can collectively uphold the high standards we set for ourselves. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to agencies and associations such as HDB, MHD, CASE, BCA, SFIC, and all our trusted acquaintances who have supported RCMA throughout our journey. Your unwavering support and confidence have been instrumental in our progress and achievements thus far. Together, we stand united in overcoming challenges, scaling greater heights, and fortifying the renovation industry. With our passion, dedication and collective efforts, I am confident that RCMA will continue to thrive and create better homes for all. Thank you all for your attention and support. Let us continue working hand in hand to shape a vibrant and trusted renovation industry for the benefit of our community and our nation. 露的幸福笑容,就是我不惜辛劳,年复 一年努力至今的巨大推动力。新加坡装 修同业商联会致力于提升装修行业的标 准,而我们也非常感谢那些自愿参与“ 温馨我家”路展活动及其他新加坡装修 同业商联会旗下活动的热心会员。 我们不但在国家经济建设方面发挥着重 要作用,也积极为众人打造美丽家园, 因此我们坚信,我们的专业值得被尊重 和认可。新加坡装修同业商联会旗下的 装修同业专业人士认证计划就旨在为承 包商和设计师等装修同僚提供专业认 证,帮助业主在众多选项 中做出明智的 选择。我们呼吁更多的承包商加入此计 划,共同维护我们为自身专业所设的高 标准。 在此,我要由衷感谢建屋发展局、重大 危险局、新加坡消费者协会、新加坡建 设局、新加坡家具工业理事会等机构和 协会,以及所有给予我们支持的朋友 们。你们对新加坡装修同业商联会坚定 不移的支持和信心,是我们茁壮成长并 取得不凡成就的关键。我们将团结一 致,攻坚克难,勇攀高峰,继续巩固装 修行业的地位。 凭借我们对该行业的热忱、奉献和共同 努力,我相信新加坡装修同业商联会将 继续蓬勃发展,为众人打造更优越、美 好的家园。再次感谢大家的关注和支 持。且让我们继续携手合作,共建一个 活力四射、信誉良好的装修行业,造福 我们的社区和国家。