FC - RCMA - 2023-2024

21 Message With more consumers wanting better designs, higher quality materials, and skilled craftsmanship, the renovating business must adhere to professionally controlled standards. Our committee is facilitating this by allowing fellow peers to upgrade their skills and stay current on industry standards and practices, through courses offered by our affiliation, the RCMA Academy. The renovation industry revolves mostly around skilled labour. Tradesman professionalism and competency are critical components in assuring excellent workmanship. Maintaining professional standards, in my opinion, can only be accomplished through course certification and continual learning. A minimal standard of certification must be stressed upon. As a result, in addition to my duties as Treasurer and Chairman of the RCMA Academy, our team will curate courses relevant to the renovation sector in order to boost its profile, improve expertise and professionalism. We also anticipate RCMA engaging with relevant trade agencies in order to stay current on standards and design trends. Being a member of a professional trade organisation will benefit our members. 现今消费者对装修房屋方面的要求日益 提高,他们不但希望获得更精湛的设 计,也对材料和工匠的手艺颇有要求。 因此,装修行业更应遵守专业标准以确 保其服务品质。考虑到这点,新加坡装 修同业商联会积极通过旗下学院为业界 同僚提供相关课程,协助他们提升技 能,同时进一步了解当下最新的行业标 准和最佳实践。 装修行业主要依靠技术熟练的工人,而 工匠的专业水平和技能更是确保整体工 程质量良好的关键因素。依我所见,唯 有通过不断学习以及参加相关的认证培 训课程,才能保持个人的专业水准。因 此,我们必须强调装修同行满足最低标 准认证的重要性。除了履行作为财政和 新加坡装修同业商联会学院主席的职责 之外,我和我的团队也将策划与装修行 业相关的一系列课程,以提升装修行业 同僚的声望、专业知识和水平。 此外,新加坡装修同业商联会也将会与 更多相关行业机构合作,以充分了解行 业标准和设计方面的最新趋势。 若能成为专业贸易组织的成员之一,也 将让我们的会员受益良多。 Patrick Puah HON. TREASURER RCMA MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 潘添明 新加坡装修同业商联会财政