FC - RCMA - 2023-2024

22 Message Kho Choon Keng PRESIDENT SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY 高泉庆 新加坡中华总商会会长 With 90 per cent of our population owning their own homes, Singapore is one of the countries with the highest home ownership rate in the world, and this naturally results in a strong demand for the renovation and interior design sector. The Singapore Renovation Contractors and Material Suppliers Association (RCMA) plays an integral role in the development of the industry, helping and uniting its members to expand their network and explore new business opportunities, as well as strengthening cohesion within the industry. Since its inception, RCMA has made significant and innovative efforts to improve the standards of the renovation and design industry in Singapore. The CaseTrust RCMA Joint Accreditation Scheme for renovation businesses was officially launched in 2016 to protect consumers’ interests through information sharing and education as well as promoting an eco-system for fair and ethical trade practices. The RCMA Singapore Renovation Guidebook is professionally curated and serves as an effective platform for accredited member companies to showcase their diverse range of products and services. It also covers a broad spectrum of relevant topics such as home ownership, home decoration and renovation tips from designers and industry practitioners. This guidebook has become one of the most reliable reference materials for local homeowners. On behalf of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, I would like to extend my heartiest congratulations on the successful publication of the RCMA 2023-2024 Singapore Renovation Guidebook and am confident that RCMA will continue to make greater contributions to the renovation industry in Singapore. My best wishes to all at RCMA! 新加坡国人的住房自有率高达90%,是 全球住房自有率最高的国家之一。这也 意味着国人对室内设计、装修翻新等服 务的需求相当庞大。 新加坡装修同业商联会致力于协助商会 会员扩展人脉和探索新商机,同时积极 强化同业之间的凝聚力,对促进装修行 业的繁荣发展扮演着举足轻重的角色。 自成立至今,新加坡装修同业商联会 为了提升本地装修业水平不懈努力, 适时做出重大、创新的改进,如在 2 0 1 6年正式推介专为装修业而设的​ “消协-装修同业商联会保证标志鉴 定计划”(CaseTrust – RCMA Joint Accreditation Scheme)。该计划旨在 通过资讯分享和教育,保障消费者的利 益,同时打造公平且具商业操守的营业 环境。 由新加坡装修同业商联会精心策划、出 版的《2023年-2024年装修指南》不仅 为旗下获得专业认证的会员提供一个供 他们展示系列商品及服务的平台,其丰 富、实用的内容更是让屋主获益良多。 该装修指南不但涵盖购买新屋的相关信 息,也汇集了多位设计师和业界人士的 专业见解及装修和室内设计方面的实用 贴士,是本地屋主不可或缺的重要参考 资料。 我谨此代表新加坡中华总商会,恭贺新 加坡装修同业商联会成功出版《2023 年-2024年装修指南》,希望贵会继续 为新加坡装修行业作出更大的贡献。 衷心祝愿贵会攀登新高峰、会务兴隆!