FC - RCMA - 2023-2024

23 Message Yeo Wan Ling ASSISTANT SECRETARY-GENERAL DIRECTOR, U SMALL & MEDIUM ENTERPRISES DIRECTOR, U WOMEN AND FAMILY NATIONAL TRADES UNION CONGRESS Congratulations to Singapore Renovation Contractors & Material Suppliers Association on the continuation and tremendous success of your biennial RCMA Renovation Guidebook. As the Director of NTUC U SME, I am proud to witness the remarkable achievements of the Singapore Renovation Contractors & Material Suppliers Association in advancing the renovation industry and providing invaluable resources to both professionals and consumers alike. Over the years, your association has consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to excellence, professionalism, and industry growth. The renovation guidebook has become a handy and helpful tool, offering comprehensive information, expert advice, and practical insights for all stakeholders involved in the renovation process. This achievement reflects the dedication and expertise of your members, and it is a testament to the association’s unwavering pursuit of excellence. I would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the collaborative efforts between NTUC U SME and the Singapore Renovation Contractors & Material Suppliers Association. Our past partnerships have been fruitful. Looking ahead, I believe there remains tremendous potential for further collaboration and partnerships between our organizations. In particular, I would like to emphasize the importance of partnering NTUC U SME in the formation of Company Training Committees, which plays a vital role in fostering continuous learning and skills upgrading among employees. By working together, we can develop more robust training programs, provide access to industry-leading expertise, and equip our workforce with the necessary skills to stay competitive in an ever-changing market. Once again, congratulations on the success of your biennial renovation guidebook, and thank you for your invaluable contributions to the renovation industry in Singapore. I am confident that with continued collaboration and partnerships, we will further elevate the professionalism and standards of the industry, benefiting both businesses and consumers. Wishing you continued success in all your endeavors.