FC - RCMA - 2023-2024

Media SHOWCASE 44 MEDIA SHOWCASE 新加坡装修同业商联会媒体活动 Things are returning to normal with the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, but homeowners are still facing unpleasant renovation hiccups with their renovation practitioners. Several RCMA members have weighed in on why these problems persist, and how to identify the black sheep of the industry through these media interviews. 随着新加坡政府逐步放宽防疫措施,民众的生活也依序恢复正常。然而,不少屋主仍在房屋装修方面受 阻。新加坡装修同业商联会的数名会员在接受媒体采访时分享了装修工程持续受阻的原因,以及如何识 别装修同业中的害群之马。 Showcase #1 “Spent $20,000 on renovations, but outraged by incompetence” Channel 8, 8world Frontline/ Aired 18th February, 2022 Most renovation works have resumed with the lifting of restrictions due to the COVID-19 virus. Homeowners are looking forward to moving into their newly-renovated homes without delays. However, some homeowners are still experiencing delayed renovations as well as shoddy workmanship and unprofessional services from their commissioned interior design firms. RCMA attributed the source of these homeowners’ complaints to the lack of certified training in some renovation practitioners. The association is working towards changing the situation with the launch of the RCMA Academy, which offers courses in becoming a certified renovation practitioner. RCMA Associate Advisor Mr Lim Ah Bah cited an example: “Someone once asked: “Why do these problems keep arising in the renovation industry, and how can we resolve it?” The way to improve the industry is to conduct proper renovation training for those entering or are in the renovation business. We decided to launch the RCMA Academy which has seen more than 400 students graduate from their courses, and I believe in the next two or three years, we will see a marked improvement in the industry with more certified renovation practitioners.” 媒体活动 #1 “花2万元装修不料换来一肚子气” 8频道《前线追踪》/于2022年2月18日播出 随着新加坡政府逐步放宽防疫措施,大部分的装修工程已陆续复 工。屋主更是满怀期待能尽快搬进装修好的房子。然而,部分屋主 仍遇到工程延误、委托的室内设计公司偷工减料、服务欠佳等问题。 新加坡装修同业商联会认为,装修从业者缺乏相关认证培训是 导致屋主投诉的主要原因。故此,新加坡装修同业商联会积极借助 旗下学院为装修从业者提供专业的认证课程,以提升本地装修业的 专业水平。 新加坡装修同业商联会会务顾问林亚峇举例说明:“有人曾投 诉:‘为什么你们装修行业一直都会出现这些问题,你们要怎么去解 决这些问题呢?’所以我们认为只有提升装修从业员的基本水平, 才能改善这个行业。于是,我们决定开办新加坡装修同业商联会学 院。目前已有超过400名装修从业员从这个学院毕业,假以时日,我 相信在未来两三年内,整个装修业将得到明显改善,出现更多获得 专业认证的装修从业员。”