FC - RCMA - 2023-2024

45 Showcase #2 “It was a nightmare’ – Why are renovations still such a minefield for homeowners?” Channel News Asia/ Published 16th April, 2022 The renovation sector has been plagued by complaints such as delays, shady practices and shoddy workmanship for years. It is said that the core of these perennial issues is due to the lack of regulation on who can enter the industry, and how they operate within it. On this topic, RCMA Asst. Hon. General Secretary Mr Michael Ong said: “This industry doesn’t have any authority or any body to manage the whole lot of (renovation companies). The overall lack of regulation means there is no standardised training nor service guarantee.” He then suggested: “The problems of contractors scamming and all, have largely to do with the quality of people in this industry.” He continued: “Not having proper experience can lead to issues, such as over-promising customers – without understanding if their ideas are actually feasible.” Showcase #3 “How to avoid a renovation nightmare: Tips from homeowners and experts” Channel News Asia/ Published 16th April, 2022 CNA took a deep dive into why complaints like poor workmanship and unprofessional services remain rife in the renovation industry. They got experts and homeowners to share tips on how to prevent a renovation nightmare. RCMA Asst. Hon. General Secretary Mr Michael Ong shared these tips in the article: “Get quotes from different types of companies, such as a large firm, a smaller set-up and even a two-man company.” “When it comes to a huge price difference, it’s also highly possible that they use a cheapmaterial, then ask you to do a top-up.” “I dare say there is no free lunch. Whatever is a freebie has also been worked into the cost of the package.” “When you want to engage a service, you pay a small deposit like 10 percent.”You see someone going down to do work, you pay the next 10 to 20 per cent, you see more work, then the next instalment comes. This is so even if the company closes down, (consumers) don’t take on too much loss.” “When work starts, all verbal agreements get thrown out the window, and it will not hold in a court of law.” 媒体活动 #2 “这简直是一场噩梦”——房屋装修为何仍 是屋主们的雷区? 亚洲新闻台/ 刊登于2022年4月16日 装修行业向来与工程延误、违规行为和偷工减料等投 诉“纠缠不清”。据知,这些长期存在的问题核心是由 于该行业缺乏对从业者的资质认证和运作模式设置相关 的监管措施。 对此,新加坡装修同业商联会助理秘书长王振宁表 示:“整个装修行业没有任何监管部门或机构负责监管 (装修公司)。装修行业缺乏监管机制也意味着,装修从 业者没有接受过标准化的培训,也无法给予服务保障。 承包商的欺诈行为等问题在很大的程度上与这个行业的 人员素质有关。” 他补充道:“装修从业者没有适当的工作经验也 会导致问题产生,例如在没有充分了解客户的想法是否 可行的情况下,就对客户夸大承 诺等。” 媒体活动 #3 “来自屋主和专家的装修建议:如何避免装修噩梦” 亚洲新闻台/ 刊登于2022年4月16日 亚洲新闻台深入探讨为何装修行业常被投诉工艺拙劣、服务欠佳 等,并邀请专家和屋主分享避免装修噩梦的贴士。 新加坡装修同业商联会助理秘书长王振宁在该报道中分享了以 下贴士: “向不同规模的公司询价,如大规模的公司、小型公司,甚 至是仅两人经营的公司。” “当报价相差悬殊时,极有可能是该公司拟议选用廉价材料, 并在日后向你索取额外费用。” “我敢说天下没有免费的午餐。无论对方答应赠送什么赠品, 其物品的成本早已被算进报价里。” “当你决定聘用某公司的服务时,你仅需支付少量定金,如 10%。当你看到有人来工地施工时,你才支付下一笔约10%至20% 的费用;随着工程完成的进度越多,你才陆续支付下一笔费用。如 此一来,即使该公司倒闭,(消费者)也不会 承担过多损失。” “一旦装修工程正式启动,所有口头协议 均会被抛到九霄云外,而且口头协议没有任何 法律效力。”