FC - RCMA - 2023-2024

Media SHOWCASE 46 Showcase #4 “Easing of COVID-19 restrictions has led to less delays in renovations” Channel 8 News Tonight / Aired 8th June, 2022 With the restrictions of the COVID-19 measures loosened, that has led to less delays for homes undergoing renovations. According to renovation platforms, renovation delays have been reduced from four weeks to only two weeks. However, the industry still faces shortage in manpower and inflated costs in materials. RCMA stated that their investigation shows that renovation costs have increased by 20 percent. RCMA Associate Advisor Mr Lim Ah Bah said: “We can speak to our material suppliers about this inflation issue and hope they will not raise the prices too much, as that can be unbearable for us.” Showcase #5 “Complaints against renovation contractors up due to unsatisfactory workmanship, delays” The Straits Times / Published 28th July, 2022 The Consumers Association of Singapore (Case) reported a total of 807 complaints against renovation contractors in the first half of the year. This was an increase of 28 per cent from the 627 complaints Case received about the industry in the same period last year, said the association in a statement on Thursday, July 28th 2022. Minister for Home Affairs and Law K. Shanmugam said in a written reply to a parliamentary question earlier this month that renovation fraud generally involves renovation contractors inducing victims to make payment for promised renovation works, which are either partially completed or not carried out at all. He also added that homeowners who intend to carry out renovation works can consider engaging contractors with a good track record, such as those accredited by Case and Singapore Renovation Contractors and Material Suppliers Association RCMA. 媒体活动 #4 “防疫措施放宽装修工程延误时间获改善” 8频道《晚间新闻》/于2022年6月8日播出 随着防疫措施放宽,装修工程的延误时间获得改善。受访装修平 台表示,一般组屋的工程延误时间从四个星期,减少到两个星 期。目前行业仍面对人手不足和通货膨胀的问题。 新加坡装修同业商联会进行的调查显示,装修成本近两个月 内上涨了两成。 新加坡装修同业商联会会务顾问林亚峇说:“我们会和材料商 洽谈,希望他们不要将装修材料的价格涨得太高,这样的话真的 是吃不消。” 媒体活动 #5 因装修工程质量不理想、工期延误等导致对装修 承包商的投诉增多 《海峡时报》/ 刊登于2022年7月28日 新加坡消费者协会在2022年7月28日(星期四)的一份声明中 表示,今年上半年共接获了807起针对装修承包商的投诉,较 去年同期的627起投诉,同比增加了28%。 内政部长兼律政部长尚穆根就本月早前在国会上的提问的 书面回复中提到,装修商欺骗案一般涉及装修承包商诱导受害 者支付装修费用,却没完成或开始任何装修工程。 他补充道,那些打算进行装修工程的屋主可考虑聘用备有 良好记录的承包商,例如那些在新加坡消费者协会和新加坡装 修同业商联会合力推出的保证标志鉴定计划下的承包商。