FC - RCMA - 2023-2024

47 Showcase #6 Written Reply to Parliamentary Question on Whether There is an Increase in Renovation Contractors Who Take Deposits Without Intent to Carry Out Renovation Works Ministry of Home Affairs / Published 4th July 2022 Mr Murali Pillai asked: “ To ask the Minister for Home Affairs (a) since January 2022, whether there is an increase in criminal cases involving renovation contractors taking deposits for renovation works without any intent to carry out such works; (b) what is the aggregate subject matter value for these reported cases between January 2022 to date; (c) what steps have been taken by the Singapore Police Force (SPF) to deal with this problem; and (d) in particular, how much monies have SPF recovered from the perpetrators for the corresponding period.” Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law, Mr K Shanmugam answered with the following: “Renovation fraud generally involves renovation contractors inducing victims to make payment for promised renovation works, which are either partially completed, or not carried out at all. In most of these cases, the contractors become uncontactable after collecting payment, or provide excuses to explain why they were unable to complete the promised works.” “Contractors who deceive victims into placing deposits for renovation works without any intent to carry out such works can be charged for cheating offences under section 420 of the Penal Code.” “Between 2019 and 2021, Police investigated 100 cases involving errant renovation contractors. So far, 72% of these cases have been prosecuted in Court. For cases that occurred this year, we are unable to provide details at this juncture, as investigations are ongoing. “Some other cases may involve fraudulent intent, but it may be very difficult to prove that in Court. I have asked my Ministry to study if there is scope to amend the law to make it easier to establish fraud in such cases.” “Recovery of monies can also be difficult. The culprit may no longer have the money. Then, while he could go to jail, his customers may not get the money.” “Homeowners who intend to carry out renovation works can consider engaging contractors with a good track record, such as those accredited under the joint accreditation between the Consumer Association of Singapore and Singapore Renovation Contractors and Material Suppliers Association (RCMA).” 媒体活动 #6 针对在国会上问及本地装修商欺骗案是否有所增 加的书面回复 内政部/ 发布于2022年7月4日 议员穆仁理提问:“请问内政部部长:(a)自2022年1月至 今,涉及装修商欺骗案,包括装修商诱导受害者支付费用, 却不打算开始任何装修工程的案例是否有所增加;(b)自2022 年1月至今,上述举报案件所涉及的金额总数是多少;(c) 新 加坡警队采取了哪些措施来解决上述案件;以及(d) 新加坡警 队在相应期间从犯罪者那里成功追回的金额是多少。” 内政部长兼律政部长尚穆根的回复如下: “装修商欺骗案一般涉及装修承包商诱导受害者支付装 修费用,却没完成或开始任何装修工程。在大多数此类案件 中,承包商在收钱后不是失联,就是找借口解释为什么无法 如期完成所承诺的工程。” “承包商如果蓄意欺骗受害者支付装修定金,却不打算 完成任何工程,可在刑事法令第420条下被指控犯有欺诈行 为。” “介于2019年至2021年期间,警方调查了100起涉及装 修商违例的案件,当中有72%的案件已在法庭被起诉。由于今 年所发生的案件的调查工作仍在进行中,因此我们无法提供 详情。” “部分案件或涉及蓄意的欺骗行为,但要在法庭上证明 这一点可能相当困难。我已要求内政部仔细研究是否能修改 相关法律,以便在此类案件中更容易证实欺诈行为。” ,追回被骗的款项也很困难,因为罪犯很可能已经把骗 来的钱花光了。如此一来,即便他能被判刑坐牢,他的客户 也可能拿不回钱。” “那些打算进行装修工程的屋主可以考虑聘用备有良好 记录的承包商,例如那些在新加坡消费者协会和新加坡装修 同业商联会合力推出的保证标志鉴定计划下的承包商。”