FC - RCMA - 2023-2024

Media SHOWCASE 48 Showcase #7 “Renovation Woes: Can We Avoid Them?” Channel News Asia/ Aired 20th November, 2022 The renovation industry receives an average of 1,300 complaints every year. This ‘Talking Point’ segment investigates why problems persist and how the promise of a dream home could turn into a nightmare. On why the industry keeps receiving complaints, then RCMA President Dr Sky Tan said: “ There’s a low barrier of entry, so anyone can easily enter this industry to start a business overnight.” He added: “ For those renovation contractors without a HDB licence, they cannot renovate a HDB flat. But, there are grey areas. Firstly, now there are a lot of BTO (Built-To-Order) flats, so not all renovation works require you to apply for a HDB permit. For instance, I can do up a HDB flat which includes tiling, ceiling work, painting, carpentry, electrical work and lighting. But if no structural changes are done, such as demolishing walls, there is no need to apply for a HDB permit. There are also loopholes for resale flats, as I can get an experienced firm to help me apply for the HDB permit. This is one very common practice in the industry.” 媒体活动 #7 “我们能否避免陷入装修困境?” 亚洲新闻台/ 于2022年11月20日播出 装修行业平均每年会收到1,300起投诉。本期“Talking Point”将来探讨该行业的根本问题,以及打造理想家园 的美梦如何会变成一场噩梦。 问及该行业为何频繁收到投诉时,新加坡装修同业商 联会前会长陈锦龙博士表示:“由于进入装修行业的门槛 很低,因此任何人都可以在该行业轻松创业。” 他补充道:“那些没有获得建屋发展局批发的装修准 证的承包商是不能装修政府组屋的,但不少装修从业者仍 游走于灰色地带。首先,目前有很多预购组屋项目,而并 非所有的装修工程都需要向建屋发展局申请装修许可证。 例如,我可以(在不申请装修许可证的情况下)进行地砖 的铺设、安装天花板、油漆、木工、电工和安装灯饰等 装修工作;只要我没有对组屋的结构进行任何改动,如拆 墙,我就无需向建屋发展局申请装修许可证。其次,装修 转售组屋也同样漏洞百出,例如我可以寻求一家有经验的 公司替我申请相关的装修许可证。这在业内其实是一项极 为普遍的做法。” “Renovation Woes: Can We Avoid Them?” “我们能否避免陷入装修困境?”