FC - RCMA - 2023-2024

49 Showcase #9 “548 complaints made against renovation contractors in the first 5 months of this year, about 9 percent more in the same period before the pandemic” Channel 8 News / Aired 4th June, 2023 There have been several online posts about alleged fraud cases by renovation contractors. According to data given by the Consumers Association of Singapore (Case), there were 548 complaints against renovation contractors in the first five months of this year, which is about 9 percent more in the same period in 2019 before the pandemic broke. RCMA stated that the association has been providing proper training to renovation practitioners in the past two years. RCMA Associate Advisor Mr Lim Ah Bah said: “ Our training courses offer different aspects of renovation knowledge, and how to improve renovations to better satisfy the needs of consumers, fellow associates and the society.” Showcase #8 “Before you renovate your home, watch out for contractors with these red flags” Channel News Asia/ Aired 10th December 2022 More than 1,100 complaints were made against home renovation contractors in the first nine months of this year, compared with 1,300 complaints last year. This ‘Talking Point’ segment lists out five ways to better navigate this minefield. One of which is to engage an appropriately licensed person. To renovate Housing and Development Board (HDB) flats, a contractor must be listed in the Directory of Renovation Contractors.But unlicensed contractors have found a loophole: Home renovations that do not require an HDB permit. Doing up Build-To-Order flats, for example, may often involve things such as carpentry, painting, lighting and some other electrical works, cited Sky Tan, then president of the Singapore Renovation Contractors and Materials Suppliers Association (RCMA) . 媒体活动 #9 “今年首五个月有548起针对装修承包商的投诉 比疫情前同期多约9%” 8频道《狮城6点半》/ 于2023年6月4日播出 近期网上出现数起有关装修承包商涉嫌诈骗的贴文,引起关注。 新加坡消费者协会的最新数据显示,今年首五个月有548起针对 装修承包商的投诉,较2019年疫情前同期多约9%。 新加坡装修同业商联会表示,已在近两年积极为装修从业者 提供专业培训。新加坡装修同业商联会会务顾问林亚峇说:“我 们的培训课程为装修从业者提供不同层面的装修知识,并教导他 们如何改善装修工程以更好地满足消费者、同行和社会的需求。 媒体活动 #8 “在你决定雇用承包商装修房屋之前,记得留意 这些危险信号” 亚洲新闻台/ 于2022年12月10日播出 装修行业在今年首9个月收到了超过1,100起投诉(去年全年共 收到1,300起投诉)。本期“Talking Point”将与观众分享五个 有助于避开装修雷区的方法。