FC - RCMA - 2023-2024

Media SHOWCASE 50 Showcase #10 “Recent complaints of irresponsible renovation contractors make light of helpless homeowners” Mediacorp CAPITAL 958 / Aired 13th June, 2023 What should homeowners do if they encounter a renovation contractor or interior design firm that fails to deliver what was promised? How can they protect their own interests? On this radio show where RCMA Associate Advisor Mr Lim Ah Bah was invited to be one of its guest speakers, he was asked by the deejays if he had received similar complaints. Mr Lim said: “For our association, we have not received any of such complaints. This is because we have been established in Singapore for 43 years. We currently have 130 members who account for less than 10 percent of all HDB-certified renovation contractors. In a recent residential development, one of our members actually managed to secure renovation jobs for more than 200 residential units, and it goes to show that our members can be considered the best in their field.” He then warned: “If the renovation practitioner you are planning to hire requests for more than 50 percent of payment before your renovation commences, that is a red flag. Payment should always be paid in instalments, and the first instalment should be below 50 percent.” 媒体活动 #10 “本地近期出现许多对装修承包商的投诉, 他们不负责任的行为让无助屋主叫苦连天” 958城市频道/ 于2023年6月13日播出 当装修承包商或室内设计公司无法兑现承诺时,屋主该 怎么办?屋主要怎么保障自己的利益?新加坡装修同业 商联会会务顾问林亚峇是此电台节目的采访嘉宾之一。 电台主播向他询问是否有收过类似的投诉。对此, 林先生表示:“就新加坡装修同业商联会旗下会员而 言,我们不曾收到过任何投诉。我们在新加坡已成立了 43年,目前有130名会员,不占本地建屋发展局旗下受 认证的装修承包商的10%。然而,在近期的一项组屋开 发项目中,我们其中一名会员就成功获得了200多个组 屋单元的装修工作,足以证明我们的会员是该领域中的 佼佼者。” 他不忘提醒听众:“一个明显的警示信号是你预备 雇用的装修从业者在开工前就试图向你索取50%以上的 款项。装修费用应采取分期付款方式,而首期付款款项 应低于50%。” “Recent complaints of irresponsible renovation contractors make light of helpless homeowners” “本地近期出现许多对装修承包商的投诉,他们不负 责任的行为让无助屋主叫苦连天”