FC - RCMA - 2023-2024

51 Advisory ONG TIAN KIT With improvements in the quality of living, a comfortable living environment is synonymous with window treatments like curtains and blinds; with some homeowners using curtain design to improve the look of their home. Timeless curtain designs lean towards natural materials as it is easy to pair with furniture, flooring and other design elements, while enhancing the comfort and ambience of the interior. The organic qualities of the traditional bamboo blinds draw out a quiet and relaxed atmosphere, and can enhance the overall artistic feel of the interior design. Outdoor bamboo blinds are also suited for indoor gardens and are elegant and practical with its sun-blocking function. A unique choice amidst 复古创新的艺术品 自然材质的窗帘 Natural window treatments The return of bamboo blinds signifies the comeback of a nostalgic style accent. By Ong Tian Kit 王天乞 随着生活素质的提升,温馨、舒适的居家 环境与窗帘的巧妙搭配密不可分,屋主更 是能借助窗帘的设计展现创意巧思。 简约时尚的窗帘设计趋向自然材质, 除了易与各种家具、地板等设计原素相 互搭配之外,也起着画龙点睛之妙,能 顿时提升家居环境的视觉享受和氛围。 传统竹帘的有机性能有助于缔造宁静舒 适氛围,提升室内设计的整体艺术气 质,是设计师心仪的必备窗材之一。 室外竹帘适用于家居庭院,不但能突显 祥和、淳朴之美,还具备防晒遮雨功 能,是同类室外产品中望其项背的独特 首选。其自然材质散发淡雅、柔和的设 计美感,并且具备遮阳、保护隐私等功 能,既实用又性价比高,是公寓式和有 地住宅不可或缺的温馨素材。 室内竹帘的素材取自原竹材,配置精致 丝线紡织加工制成,犹如一件高格调又 具现代美感的艺术品,是传统与潮流相 结合的结晶品,百看不厌。 绵质布片百叶窗帘具有一帘幽梦的特殊 幻觉,有别于木片和塑料百叶窗帘的硬 性单调,可隐匿窗外景观,备有透光和 遮光两种布料用途选项。 采用绵质布片百叶窗帘,转动轻便, 柔美画面,光合作用,富丽姿彩, 艺漫生动。 other outdoor products, these natural materials offer a softer and delicate sense of elegance and high functionality. Another variation is indoor bamboo curtains made of original bamboo with silk thread textiles. Exquisitely produced, these artistic-looking curtains are the epitome of timeless tradition that will never go out of style. Cotton fabric blinds project a soft and dreamy ambience and differ from the rigidity and harshness of plastic and wood blinds. These soft blinds are made of cotton fabric which are easy to roll up and can block any unwanted outdoor views. From subtle to bold and stylish colours, these blinds work well with daylight through two light-control features of light-transmitting and light- blocking. 新合成簾業 Sin Hup Seng Bamboo Chicks & Blinds Block 1090 Lower Delta Road #01-13/14 Singapore 169201 TEL 6271 2233 FAX 6272 8708 EMAIL enquiries@sinhupseng.com.sg UEN NO. : 09987700K www.sinhupseng.com.sg