106 Feature TIMELESS Open-Concepts More of a configuration rather than a style, the wall-free layout brings much potential to our space- starved flat and apartment units. Without obstacles to stand in the way, everything looks better washed in light and of course, more spacious. Making your home bigger and brighter, the main question is how many walls should you have hacked away and what should be the golden ratio? It all depends on your lifestyle and privacy needs. Below are some successful examples to guide you along. HOST WITH THE MOST: If you enjoy entertaining regularly, an open-concept kitchen is your best bet. It can lay separate from the main living and dining zones, but having a breakfast or bar counter will add much convenience to your hosting duties. KEY DESIGN NOTES: Light-coloured surfaces are great for accentuating that spacious, loft-like feel. To better demarcate the space, go for glass dividers which still advocate the flow of natural light without walling everything up. NAIL THE LOOK: No walls, no problem. Flexible screens or curtains can still offer much needed privacy wherever and whenever you need some time by yourself. DESIGN BY MERRY MEN INTERIOR DESIGN BY MERRY MEN INTERIOR
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