25 Message Roland Ng PRESIDENT SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY Singapore is one of the countries with the highest rate of home ownership in the world, with more than 90% of the population owning their own houses. With high expectations to create a warm and comfortable living space, there is equally high demand for furniture and interior design services in the local market. In its fourth edition, The Singapore Renovation Guidebook published by the Singapore Renovation Contractors and Materials Suppliers Association (RCMA) continues to be one of the key renovation resources for local homeowners. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the business landscape. There is a greater urgency for many traditional sectors of our economy to transform, innovate and digitize in order to stay relevant and thrive in the new economy, including RCMA members. Throughout this year, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI) has partnered with the government to help Chamber’s trade association members address their business challenges and facilitating their industry development initiatives. We remain committed to help our members in view that the business environment is expected to remain difficult in the near term. Following a challenging year impacted by COVID-19, the successful publication of this book demonstrated RCMA’s commitment to its members and the industry. The book served as an effective channel for accredited member businesses to showcase their range of products and services to its target audience, thereby expanding their contacts and generating new business opportunities. On behalf of SCCCI, I would like to congratulate RCMA for the successful publication of its newest edition of the Singapore Renovation Guidebook and to embark on brighter prospects and prosperous endeavours in the coming year! 新加坡是世界上拥屋率最高的国家之 一。超过90%的国人拥有房子,而购房 者的最大心愿是打造温馨舒适的家。因 此,家具用品、室内设计和装修服务的 市场需求向来居高。 新加坡装修同业商联会出版的第四 期《RCMA Singapore Renovation Guidebook》 装修指南年刊,依然是本 地屋主提升家居品质的重要参考资料。 冠病疫情对商业环境带来巨大冲击。借 助数码化创新转型也成为许多传统行业 的当务之急,以便在新经济时代生存和 壮大,新加坡装修同业商联会的会员也 不例外。这一年来,总商会积极与政府 保持协作,向政府反映各行业面对的挑 战, 协助解决行业问题,并推动行业发 展项目。虽然短期商业前景仍不明朗,但 总商会将竭力支持各行业共度难关。 在疫情的挑战下,装修指南的成功出版 反映着新加坡装修同业商联会对会员及 行业的尽责守护——为会员商家提供有 效平台,以向广大消费者及屋主展示与装 修相关的一系列最新商品和服务。 我谨代表新加坡中华总商会热烈恭 贺新加坡装修同业商联会《RCMA Singapore Renovation Guidebook》 装修指南的成功出版,也衷心祝愿贵会 前程似锦、会务兴隆!
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