34 Activities We were one of the proud attendees of the SME Digital LEAP Awards dinner organised by UOB and NTUC USME. This event recognises SMES that have made successful efforts in digitalising their businesses. 我们深感荣幸能成为由大华银行和职总旗下中小 企业协作平台联办的中小企业“数码化飞跃”颁奖晚 宴上的其中一名参与者。此活动旨在表扬那些成功 将业务数码化的中小企业。 2019 marked the 50th anniversary of our Labour Movement since the 1969 Modernisation Seminar. Held on 1st May 2019, the May Day Rally commemorates this persevering progress and we were pleased to witness this significant event as an important partner of the labour movement. 2019年是职总自1969年主办现代化研讨 会(Modernisation Seminar)之后的 第50个年头,也是我们劳工运动成立的 50周年。劳动节群众大会于2019年5月1 日举行,纪念此创举的巨大进步。我们 很欣慰能作为劳工运 动的重要合作伙伴来 见证此重要活动。 SME Digital LEAP Awards Dinner 中小企业“数码化 飞跃”(Digital LEAP)颁奖晚宴 NTUC May Day Rally 2019 2019年职总劳动 节群众大会
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