40 Activities On 10th January 2020, we welcomed the lunar new year with a bang at the Jubilee Garden Restaurant with our committee members and guest of honour Mr Ang Mong Seng. 2020年1月10日,我们在欢喜楼举 办了一场隆重晚宴,与商会会员和 当晚的荣誉嘉宾洪茂诚先生一同 欢庆农历新年。 RCMA CNY Celebration & Inauguration Ceremony 2020 2020年新加坡装 修同业商联会农历 新年与理事会就 职晚宴 5th February 2021 was a momentous occasion for RCMA as we held a soft launch ceremony for the RCMA Academy at the Trade Hub Association. This unique academy was established to provide highly relevant and RCMA Academy Soft Launch 新加坡装修同业 商联会学院 affordable courses for the interior renovation industry. Our soft launch ceremony was also attended by two guests-of-honours, Mr Mr Tan Kiat How, Minister of State, Prime Minister’s Office & Ministry of National Development, and Mr Ang Wei Neng, Member of Parliament of West Coast GRC. 2021年2月5日对新加坡装修同业商联会而言 意义重大。我们于当日在商团中心为新加坡装 修同业商联会学院举办了一场非正式的开幕 仪式。此特殊学院的成立旨在为室内装修行 业提供实用性高且实惠的课程。当天出席的特 别嘉宾有新加坡总理公署兼国家发展部政务 部长陈杰豪先生和西海岸集选区议员洪维能 先生。
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