44 Media Showcase The emergence of the coronavirus has taken a toll on many industries, and the renovation industry is no exception. Many RCMA members have been interviewed by the media to give their take on the challenges faced by the renovation industry during this epidemic. Here are their media features: 新型冠状病毒的出现无疑导致许多行业蒙受巨大损失,装修行业自然也难幸免。对此,不少 新加坡装修同业商联会的成员接受了媒体的采访,讲述这场疫情对装修行业所带来的种种挑战。 以下便是他们的采访纪要: MEDIA SHOWCASE 新加坡装修同业商联会媒体活动 RCMA’s Support & Appreciation for Frontline Staff led by SCCCI” 新加坡装修同业商联会对前线医护人员的支持与表扬 The Straits Times & Lianhe Zaobao / Published 18th February 2020 《海峡时报》和《联合早报》/ 刊登于2020年2月18日 To boost the morale of our frontline staff fighting the COVID-19 war, RCMA wanted to show their appreciation and encouragement with this public gesture. 为为了给在医疗前线英勇奋战的医护人员打气,新加坡装修同业商联 会特意以此方式公开表达我们对他们的感谢,同时给予他们鼓励。
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