48 Media Showcase With Singapore cooperating with Malaysia to resume cross-border travel, both countries are trying to resolve the travel needs of its residents. Employers interviewed said that re-opening the border not only solves the shortage of manpower, it also saves the cost of providing temporary housing for Malaysian employees. 新加坡与马来西亚合作,共同处理两国人员的跨境出入 需求。受访雇主表示,这不仅能解决人手短缺问题,还 能省下为马国员工提供临时住所的费用。 “Singapore and Malaysia discuss cross-border travel, gets support from employers” 新马商议跨境出入,获员工雇主支持 Channel 8, Hello Singapore / Aired on 9th June 2020 8频道《狮城有约》/ 于2020年6月9日播出 RCMA Committee Member Mr James Lee said: “This reduces our financial burden of providing accommodation for our Malaysian employees. We are also short of carpenters and other sub-contractors for hacking and ceiling works. With the resumption of the cross-border travel, we can also take up new renovation jobs.” 新加坡装修同业商联会会员李得至说:“这能减轻我们 的负担,因为我们现在需要交租金让他们居住。我们也 是缺少那些木工,还有一些是敲工,有一些是做天花 板的;新的工地我们可以开、可以做。” RCMA was invited by BCA to co-host their webinar clinic which focused on “Good Practices on Restart Applications”. In this Zoom session, President of RCMA Dr Sky Tan was one of the Webinar chairpersons, along with RCMA committee members Mr Michael Ong, Mr Andy Tan, Mr Wilson Teh and Ms Mary Mark . Together with the BCA team, these RCMA members were on the panel for the Q&A session. 新加坡装修同业商联会受邀与建设局携手主办 一场网络研讨会,主要谈论“申请复工的良好实 践”。新加坡装修同业商联会会长陈锦龙博士 是本次网络研讨会的主席之一,而其他参与此 Zoom视讯会议的商会成员还包括新加坡装修同 业商联会助理秘书长王振宁、Andy Tan、Wilson Teh,以及总务麦凤仪女士。这些商会会员也连 同建设局的团队一起参与了问答环节。 “BCA-RCMA Restart Clinic on Good Practices on Restart Applications” 建设局-新加坡装修同业商联会“复工询问处” (Restart Clinic)之申请复工的良好实践 Zoom Collaboration / 3rd July Zoom视讯协作/ 2020年7月3日
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