51 ‘KOPI CHAT’ session with Enterprise Singapore 与新加坡企业发展局合作的“咖啡闲聊”(KOPI CHAT) 交流会 ZOOM Session / 26th August Zoom视讯/ 2020年8月26日 Banding our expertise together with Enterprise Singapore, we engaged in an insightful discussion on how to overcome and emerge from the tribulations of COVID-19. 新加坡装修同业商联会与新加坡企业发展局携手合作,一 同针对如何克服疫情所造成的各种挑战,进行深入讨论与 交流。 In order to solve the foreign labour shortage which has culminated in renovation project delays, local renovators and the authorities are looking to work hand in hand to attract more local talents. The proposed plan includes providing skill training in carpentry and tiling, which will reduce the dependence on foreign workers. 为了解决因外籍劳工无法开工而导致工程延期的问题,本 地装修承包商正与政府部门携手制定计划,希望能吸引更 多本地人加入装修行业。 有关计划将包括为本地人提供木工和铺瓷砖等方面的技 能培训,进而减少装修承包商对外籍劳工的依赖。 “Renovation contractors and the government make plans to attract more locals to join the renovation industry” 装修承包商与当局制定计划,吸引更多本地人加入装修行业 Channel 8, News Tonight / Aired on 5th September 2020 8频道《晚间新闻》/ 于2020年9月5日播出 RCMA Chairman Dr Sky Tan said: “I think we can kill two birds with one stone. We can help create more jobs, and reduce the impact of the shortage of foreign workers.” Due to Malaysia’s 2020 Movement Control Order, it has caused work delays for many local renovation companies. Although some employers in Singapore have applied for their Malaysian workers to enter Singapore through the periodic commuting arrangement, doing so has increased their cost. 新加坡装修同业商联会会长陈锦龙博士表示:“我 认为这是一举两得,我们可以帮助创造更多的就 业机会,也可以减缓外国工人短缺的影响。” 本地有不少装修工程因马来西亚的行动管制令, 而被迫延误。虽然一些雇主已在周期性通勤安排 下为他们在马来西亚的员工申请入境开工,但这么 做无疑会加重承包商的成本。 RCMA Committee Member Mr Nelson Leow said: “We have expected that the cost of hiring these workers will increase. Contractors will have to pay more for the workers’ accommodation and expenses in Singapore.” 新加坡装修同业商联会会员廖英材说:“我们预计雇用这 些工人的成本会增加。承包商得为工人在新加坡的住宿和 开销承担更多的费用。”