88 Design 4 Space Pte Ltd 90 Inspire ID Group Pte Ltd 92 Livinci Builders 94 MJS Interior Pte Ltd 96 Noble Interior Design Pte Ltd 98 Rezt + Relax Interior 100 Starry Homestead Pte Ltd HOMEOWNERS’ CHOICE Renovating your home can be a rewarding yet stressful journey. For better peace of mind, leave your home in the trusted expertise of these design firms which have undergone stringent checks and are accredited with Case-Trust RCMA*. Engage their services to protect your deposit payment through the purchase of a deposit performance bond. *The CaseTrust-RCMA Joint Accreditation Scheme for Renovation Businesses was jointly developed by CaseTrust, and the Singapore Renovation Contractors and Material Suppliers Association (RCMA), for the renovation industry. To be eligible to join the scheme, businesses must first be members of RCMA. Under this scheme, the businesses are audited under a set of stringent and comprehensive criteria, covering the aspects of proper store policies, ethical advertising and proper dispute resolution procedures, staff capabilities as well as staff training.
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